Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Posting by using Dashboard

The last two posts were done by email to the blog instead of using the Dashboard, as I'm doing now. It obviously works better for me to sign in and use the Dashboard when leaving a note.

I would like to figure out how to email photos to blog. Unfotunately my "Hello" program is set up to use my other sign in name. Had forgotten this sign in and password, so I started all over, then came back to this one as more of a diary in words while using the other for a diary in photos. That system actually works pretty well for me most of the time. It keeps people interested in the photos from having to wade thru my rambling text, lol.

As I said...gotta run. Make it a GR8 day, all of U out there.

Monday, May 31

Last night I read Chocolat, almost finishing it while John worked on the
dishwasher. He found the problem and did a temporary fix but will need a
part. At least we got two loads cycled thru and no more dirty dishes
stacked up. (I think it would've been easier to hand wash the dishes...but
boys will be boys, even when they are grown men.) Getting back to Chocolat
the book...it is extremely well written. This is one of the few times I'm
glad I saw the movie before reading the book. It also helped to know that
the author switches back and forth between the narrative by Vianne and
Reynaud simply by starting a new chapter. Had I not been told this was the
case by Ann, who loaned me the book, I might've been slow to catch this the
first time it happened. Hope I can get a minute to finish it this
afternoon or evening.

I have a follow up appointment with the surgeon today. Mostly due to
traffic and distance, it is going to eat up the rest of the morning. Hope
to have time to take some photos after the surgeon's appointment across the
street in the hospital's courtyard "Healing Garrden." Lovely flowers are
at their peak of spring blooming season, and the trees are just begging for
my camera lense. Most of the garden is in a raised bed, with decorative
brass plaques.

Time to run!

Scanned by WinProxy

Monday, May 30, 2005

emailing photo to blog

Scanned by WinProxy

In Remembrance

This from legacy.com

Saving Grace, the video

Last night we enjoyed Saving Grace.  Upon looking it up on IMBD I noticed there were many movies w/ the same title.  Click on Saving Grace to see info on the one we watched.  It's hilarious, and I think deserves a higher rating than given by viewers on IMDB.  jmho.  Besides, we tend to like best some of the ones that don't do all that well at the box office or even the video store.  If you enjoy a good laugh, excellent acting, a bit of good scenery, and esp. if you love gardening, don't pass this one up!

carol (~.~)

Happy Memorial Day

Watched coverage on FOX this morning.  Some of our relatives are buried at Arlington.  They fought so that we could have the liberty we enjoy today.  May all remember the many who made the ultimate sacrifice.

Friday, May 27, 2005

"Earth Girls Are Easy"

Last night we watched "Earth Girls Are Easy." With Geena Davis, Jeff Goldblum, and Jim Carrey in leading roles I would've hoped for something better. It's supposed to be both a comedy and a musical. Too silly and the "musical" part was pathetic, jmho. Oh, well, it was harmless enough and at least when going to the kitchen for snacks or answering a phone there was no need to pause the video because nothing important was there to be missed! (released in 1989, I believe) Skip this one and pick up a good book!

This morning John is off on errands. It's his first time to drive since his stroke, which was almost two weeks ago. The doctor cleared him for this the day he was discharged from the hospital (a week ago yesterday) but I've managed to hold him back this long just to be certain he was really OK. It's so wonderful to watch his steady improvement. Must look after my guy. I love him....

Monday, May 23, 2005

Day Surgery This A.M.

I'm off to the hospital for Day Surgery. Nothing major. We're having a bright sunny day w/ temps just perfect to be out in the neighborhood w/ my camera. Instead, I'll be otherwise occupied. Oh, well, can't be helped. Tomorrow is another day. I'll get out to take some photos then.

Here goes another post by email to my blog.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Testing with Eudora

Since MSN decided to add some free advertising, let's try this w/ Eudora Mail program.

Saturday night, 8:40 pm in Pacific NW. G'nite!

carol (~.~)


Let's see if this post by email system to my blog really works. OK, to be honest, we know it can be done, so the test is to see if I have figured it out.

Download your favorite songs at MSN Music - Over 1 million songs for just 99� each

WOW, I got back in here!!!

I forgot my login and password both. Now I have them again. When will I ever learn that I need to write these things down? :)